Congratulations, you have switched to vaping! Well, that is a significant and valuable decision you have indeed made, and as such you should stick to vaping from now on as the advantages that accompany this decision are immense. At this point, it would be correct to assume that you already know how to use and operate a vaping device be it a rechargeable electric cigarette that uses cartridges or just a disposable e-cigarettes but let’s put that aside for a while. Let’s discuss the importance of the decision you have now made and how you as a new vapor should avoid mixing vaping and smoking. This discussion is meant to inform you of some facts you ought to remember to avoid backsliding into smoking again. There are some reasons why mixing the two can be a disadvantage you as a new vapor.
The other crucial thing you should note is the fact that vaping gives you a chance to advance your way towards getting off cigarettes altogether. Various e-cigarettes have some different nicotine quantities in them. Choosing to slowly progress from those with high levels of nicotine to those that are nicotine free would eventually help you control your nicotine intake. If you go back and forth, then there is no other easy way to achieve this, and the result might be that you will sink even deeper into your smoking addiction. Therefore, being more patient with the decision you have made would eventually help you in a big way later.
Another distinct advantage that electronic cigarettes or vaping add to you is to get rid of the bad breath acquired through smoking. In addition to this, vaping will enable you also to avoid staining your teeth. Having stained teeth can at times make someone anti-social hence avoid talking much and even smiling to hide the stained teeth. It is a harmful aspect of smoking, and as a new vapor, you are now free from such a thing ever happening in your case. As you continue vaping you avoid the extra costs involved when removing the stains on your teeth and prevent any further damage to your enamel.
The best advice to you as a new vapor is that you should allow the vaping experience to sink in and instead of going back and forth, try the various products that 21st Century Smoke offers.
21st Century Smoke strives to offer the latest technology, highest quality and competitive pricing. In addition to our flavorful cartridges, we have terrific customer service and prompt shipping. Inhale the savings & exhale smooth flavor!